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Coming Home to the Craft of the Wise - Course Registration

Study Celtic Wicca in the Stewart Tradition over a year and a day with this comprehensive course. Now available as a distance learning program.

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Study Celtic Wicca in the Stewart Tradition.

This intensive course, facilitated by Lisa & Anton Stewart (authors of Simply Wicca), and taught over a year and a day, is definitely not a 'get-witch-quick' scheme. It offers a comprehensive syllabus which will provide you with a thorough foundation in modern Celtic Wicca and requires considerable participation on your part; as with anything of worth in life, there are no shortcuts - you only get out of it what you're prepared to put in.

Previously available only to students who attend in person, this course is now available as a distance learning program. However, it is not a 'work-at-your-own-pace' course, you are required to participate in scheduled workshops and lectures via tele-conferencing. No special equipment is required (other than a computer or smart phone and internet access).

The course comprises the following lessons (dates shown are for the next sheduled course, commencing April 2020):

Lesson 1 (April 5th 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - What's With Wicca? - The History of the Craft of the Wise • Our History, Our Tradition • A ritual to awaken the Awen

Lesson 2 (May 3rd 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - The Wheel of the Year - The eight Sabbats • How the Sabbats are reflected across The Wheel • A 'Seed to Blossom' ritual

Lesson 3 (June 7th 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - The Mabinogi and our Gods & Goddesses - A brief exploration of Welsh Celtic Mythology • A ritual and meditation to meet Cerridwen and Gwyn ap Nudd (Cernunnos)

Lesson 4 (July 12th 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - The Moon and The Ogham - The moon, its phases and their role in magick, rites, and rituals • A brief exploration of The Ogham, a Celtic Tree alphabet • A ritual and meditation to journey and meet the trees.

Lesson 5 (August 2nd 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - The Elements, Elementals, & Watchtowers - their role in magick, rites, and rituals • A ritual and meditation to meet our hidden helpers.

Lesson 6 (September 6th 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - Magickal Timing - The basics of Astrology and its relevance in spell-casting • Advice on practical magick • A ritual and meditation based on the available magickal timing.

Lesson 7 (October 4th 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - The Tools of the Craft - Magickal tools, description and use • Presentation of your cord and introduction to cord magick • A ritual to charge and consecrate your cord.

Lesson 8 (November 1st 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - More about Magick - Ciphers, Chakras, Crystals, Chanting, and more • Ciphers and magickal aphabets • Chakras and Crystals • Raising energy through chanting • A ritual to raise magickal energy.

Lesson 9 (December 6th 2020 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - The Magickal Wand - In theory and practice • Introduction to Magickal Wands • Tips for effective wand making • Hands-on; making your own wand • A ritual to consecrate your wand.

Lesson 10 (January 3rd 2021 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - Divination - In theory and practice • Introduction to the divinatory arts • Tarot for meditation and spell-work • Witches' Runes, your personal divination tool • A ritual to program your runes and group divination.

Lesson 11 (February 7th 2021 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - Kitchen Witchin' and Hearth Magick - Leading a magickal life through your everyday actions • An introduction to incense making • A ritual for incense making in sacred space.

Lesson 12 (March 7th 2021 - 1pm to 5pm ET) - Choosing a Magickal Name and Ritual Writing - What's in a name? How you identify, identifies you • An introduction to ritual writing • More about ethics, protocol and vocabulary • Presentation of Robes - Cleanse and clear for the dedication ritual.


Dedication (April 6th 2021 - 7pm to 9pm ET) - The Dedication Ritual - the culmination of the course • Presentation and consecration of your Athame • Presentation of Graduation Certificates • The journey onwards.

It's ideal if students can make the trip to New Paltz to attend the Dedication Ritual, however it's certainly possible for your to hold your own, personal rite. If you are part of a group in your local area who are all taking the course together, we may be able to come to you to facilitate your group's dedication ritual. Please call us to discuss.


Over the duration of the course you will receive extensive materials/hand-outs and a binder in which to keep them, a copy of our CD, Circle In A Box, two books, a personal crystal, a robe, a cord, a wand, an athame, and various other goodies too numerous to mention. You will also have access to a dedicated forum for you to ask questions of your teachers and share in the experiences of your fellow students. Recordings of all the guided mediations are available on the forum, so you can repeat these at your leisure.

Each lesson comprises a 2 hour lecture/presentation, a one hour ritual and a one hour book discussion. They all come with detailed notes which combine to make a 257 page guide for your personal reference.

It is important to remember that this is a distance learning program where you participate in scheduled lectures either in person or by tele-conference - this is not an online course that you can complete at your own pace. We fully understand that life gets in the way and we all have to deal with issues such as getting called into work, illness, family emergencies, etc. Accordingly it's not a problem if you miss one or two lessons, so long as you make arrangements with your tutors to catch up. However, if you are unable to attend more than three lessons, it is extremely unlikely that you'll actually be able to catch up, so we reserve the right to move you onto a following course.

Course registration is just $50 and each lesson is priced at only $50, making the course affordable even for those on a tight budget.

There is no charge for the dedication rite, but you are not eligible to take this until you have completed the entire course.

All that is necessary to secure a place on the course is to pay the registration fee - we are happy for you to pay as you go for each of the lessons. That said, a number of people have asked if they can pay for the whole course in one go, so we also provide that option.

When regisitering, please indicate whether you wish to attend in person or partcicpate in the distance learning program. Registration is open to students the world over, but the course will be taught in English. Domestic shipping is free for all materials, but distance learning students outside of the USA are responsible for international shipping (and customs charges, if applicable).


For further information please watch this short video: 


We'll be glad to answer any questions you may have - please call the store +1 (845) 255-5756 or send us a message.

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