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Sacred Salts - Angel's Influence

Not just for the bath, you can also use them for charging or enhancing any magickal working.

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Angel's Influence Salts - Magickally charged by practitioners of The Craft.

Dissolve 2 to 3 tablespoons in a tub of bath water. For best results always cast a circle before bathing.
If you don't have a tub, you can use these salts in the shower just as effectively - simply sprinkle a handful into a damp wash cloth and use just like your normal shower gel.
Dissolve 1 to 2 teaspoons in a large bowl and use to cleanse crystals or to charge & program jewelry, money, etc. Just be sure to carefully wipe clean to prevent tarnish.
You may combine 2 or more different varieties of Sacred Salts to enhance the focus of your intent.
Containing only natural ingredients, each jar is approximately 4 ounces.
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