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Now Available - One Question Reading with Lisa!

tarotgroupPsychic Readings via Email from Lisa - Click here for more information

Simple Compassionate Advice... For only $8 per question

Our one question Reading with Lisa is way to allow our visitors to ask Lisa for advice on just about anything, even when they have no time to come into the shop or do not have the need for a full on-line session.

Lisa has been an acclaimed psychic and proven spiritual counselor for over 25 years and is owner of the Awareness Shop, a renowned metaphysical center in beautiful New Paltz, NY.

Whether your concerns are health, financial, romantic or spiritually related, she can draw out useful information through the use of The Tarot. Through personal experience, she is very aware of real life issues and has learnt how to use positive energy and practical humor to deal with difficult situations.


Online Readings are also available for more in depth readings Please click here.


Lisa - Psychic - Shop Owner and HPS

The times (Zodiac that is), are they are a changing?

lisa.jpgThere seems to be quite a buzz going around the internet about the addition of another Astrological Sign to the current line-up of twelve. I can't begin to tell you the number of calls I taken here at The Awareness Shop asking me "Is it true that they want to add another Zodiac Sign?".

Leaving aside the question of who exactly "they" might be for the time being, I've put together a few thought in an attempt to ease some of the confusion.

These are my humble opinions only, mixed with some facts and some things for you to ponder.  If you're feeling brave, read on...

Witches Tea Party

Every Tuesday night from 5 to 9 pm, we’re holding a Witches’ Tea Party - And you’re invited!~*

Now Available - Our Very Own Merchandising

totebagthumb.jpgIf we had a nickel for every time one of our customers has asked us about Awareness Shop Merchandise, we would have at least a buck fifty by now.

So Nag Ye No More, good and gentle people.. We've got our proverbial act together and designed some for you! More items are being added even as we speak.

Now Available - Online Psychic Readings

Online Psychic ReadingsLisa the shop owner and professional Psychic for over 22 years is now offering readings online. This way you can get a reading no matter where you live or how hectic your schedule and, even better, you get a photo of your personal tarot spread along with a permanent audio record of your reading that you can refer back to as often as you need and listen to it as many times as you like.

Here's how it works:
First think about the question or concerns on which you wish Lisa to focus while doing your reading.  It is important to Lisa that you to make the most of your time with her, this is why she asks for a focus. Sometimes you may have very specific questions and other times you might just feel you need some information in general. You can either list questions or make a statement such as the issue is work/career or romance and relationships or health, you choose the areas of your life that you would like Lisa to be mindful of as she divines your information.

Even if you have no specific questions a reading can be a very helpful tool to making the best of opportunities or challenges.

The Reading:
Following completion of your order, Lisa will schedule a time to perform your personal reading within the next 72 hours. The reading will be recorded as an MP3 file, and a digital photograph will also be taken of the spread.  These will then be sent to you by e-mail within 48 hours of completion of the reading.

It is not possible to be specific as to how long your particular reading will be, as this will vary according to the amount of information available, but it is generally not less than 25 mins or longer than 40mins.


For more information or to order your personal reading, Click Here

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