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Cool Stuff

LaguzAugust 2013

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) 

Laguz: The dog days of summer are upon us and we are all scrambling to squeeze in warm-weather activities before the air turns cold again. Laguz is here to suggest that you relax, slow it down, and let life happen on its own terms. Laguz is the rune of “flow.” By tuning into this intuitive energy and letting it move through us, rather than reacting, we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities of the Universe. It reminds us that by clinging to our ideas of a “right” outcome, we often create our own suffering. Laguz tells us to have the courage to do absolutely nothing, to let the Universe unfold as it should. Laguz indicates that now is the time to trust your gut, drop the over-intellectualizing, pay attention to your dreams, and listen to you inner voice. Let the Universe guide you.


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