From the very moment that they were discovered upon the earth, crystals have been used for many purposes by many cultures. It was (and still is) believed that just as herbs and sigils possess energies, so do these beautiful gemstones. Their magickal folklore, powers and uses are as old as the dawn of time. Used as sacred amulets, placed in medicine bags & mojos, used to adorn weapons or worn as jewelry - man has made use of these beautiful gifts from the Earth as long as one can remember.
Here at The Awareness Shop we hope to open you to the magickal world of crystals. There are many, many uses for you to explore,.... or even invent a new one (if you do please share!) . We make no claims to the results you will receive, as in any other magick or medicines - you get out of it what you put in.
We would also be glad to answer questions or help you to find the crystal you are looking for, just drop us a e-mail ( if you do not see what you need.
The shop carries over 300 kinds of crystals and stock varies due to availability.
Have a great time rock hounding through our stones. Hope you find just what you need.
Brightest Blessings...