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6 - The Lovers

This month features The Lovers - Parsley

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6 - The LoversMay 2016

The Lovers - Parsley

I was both relieved and surprised to pull this month’s card. I was concerned that I would pull the Three of Swords, but instead I pulled The Lovers… the Universe works it’s magick once again. J


The Lovers card represents attraction, perfection, harmony and trust. The bond between the two gives them strength and confidence to deal with life’s challenges. This bond that the two lovers have created is incredibly strong and represents a marriage, soul mate connection or very intimate and close relationship. The Lovers card can also indicate a very strong desire and sexual attraction between two people

The less obvious meanings of The Lovers card are more personal. It can represent things like making up your own mind, staying true to yourself, discovering what you actually care about, and being able to make the choice between right and wrong.

Parsley is used in magick for purification and protection. Most of the time, an herb's medicinal properties will mirror its magickal uses. Parsley is used as a breath purifier, and a pallet cleanser. As a magickal purification herb, Parsley is one of the best. Parsley is usually used at a meal as a garnish, but more importantly it is a way to ensure a stress free environment for eating.

Parsley roots are considered an aphrodisiac.  It is said to counteract impotence, and both the leaves and the roots are used as a digestive and diuretic.It is also used to counteract self-centeredness and a tendency to stress and anger. 


Since parsley is ruled by mercury, it stirs up communication in many ways. Nonverbal communication is one of the strongest forms of communication. Make sure your body language says what you really feel... not everyone is listening to your words. 


Blessed Be!


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