Book of Shadows

Ostara - Spring Equinox

Created: Tuesday, 10 October 2006 19:15
Last Updated: Monday, 31 March 2008 10:33
Written by Lisa
Hits: 1098

Ostara: March 21st  The Spring Equinox

Balance comes into play again with the Libra full moon, and as the wheel turns the Pregnant Virgin Goddess carries the seeds of new life, that will be the harvest when balance returns again at Mabon. Eggs have long been a symbol of fertility so it’s no mistake that we would associate them with this Sabbat.  A  rabbit ( also a fertility symbol as well as the moons sacred animal) is said to have wanted to please the Goddess of Spring Eostre, so he found the best fertility symbol he could and brought to her brightly colored eggs as a gift. The God begins to gain power as the Wheel waxes so that he may marry the Goddess at Beltane. Empower and give our seeds to be planted. Honor the Great Mother with brightly colored eggs. Let Chalice and blade (the Celtic cross symbol) be reflected in your cakes and ale serve hot cross buns. Celebrate spring. Interestingly enough the Christian celebration of Easter is still calculated by using this Sabbat as a starting point. Easter is always held the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after Ostara