Book of Shadows

Yule - Winter Solstice

Created: Tuesday, 10 October 2006 21:10
Last Updated: Monday, 10 March 2008 15:32
Written by Lisa
Hits: 1208

Yule: December 21st  or 22nd  The Sun’s Return

This Sabbat marks the birth of the Sun God (sun not son) The Holly king who took over the dark 1/2 of the year at Litha now must  fight a loosing battle and surrender/ return the crown to his brother the Oak King. His consort the Goddess who had shown us death in life at the Summer solstice, now awakens us to life in death as she gives birth to the child of promise. The dying and resurrected God of grain, bread….( Christ took on the aspects of sun, light, bread, sacrement) Anyway the child of promise is reborn to bring us hope of what is to come. The Wheel turns once again now waxing towards Imbolc. A good idea for a ritual would be to re-enact the slaying of the of the Dark King, and focus on ensuring the return of the light, ( you could use crystals or candles you charged at Litha in the Sun’s peak of power) You may wish to burn a Yule log, (it should be Oak) and keep a small piece to bring in the light. You can also keep it’s ashes to spread on your garden. Oh yes and remember keep your Yule tree to burn in an Imbolc fire.