Book of Shadows

Litha - Summer Solstice

Created: Friday, 06 October 2006 17:27
Last Updated: Monday, 10 March 2008 15:34
Written by Lisa
Hits: 1116

Litha: June 21st  The Summer Solstice

This Sabbat marks the longest day of the year. The height of the sun’s power. It’s at this point the Wheel begins to wane. The Goddess is very pregnant, as is our  Mother  Earth. Her bounty has been planted and fertilized, fruits can be harvested like strawberries (see Sag full moon) It’s no coincidence that this firey full moon comes so near the Sun’s firey Sabbat. Rituals for Litha focus on nurturing new life and crops. However motherhood is not the only concern, for each mother has her consort. The Sun God, The Oak King at his peak of power celebrates his approaching fatherhood and passes his crown to his brother the Holly King. The best time if possible to hold your ceremony would be mid-day. Charge amulets with power for protection, Charge candles and crystals to use at Yule to call back the light. You can certainly feel the Gods power in the warm sun light. You may also wish to honor Cerridwen at this time the Goddess of life death and rebirth with a cauldron rite.