Book of Shadows

Aries New Moon

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A Spell to Drive Away Negativity and bring Positive Energy

ariesnmspell.jpgThe Aries New Moon occurs this year on April 3rd, at 10:32 am (EDT). Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and heralds in the spring.
Most people I know have had a long and fairy difficult winter. Now is the time to harness the energies of the Aries New Moon and become the Spiritual Warrior. Time to remove unwanted negative energy and attract more positive and comforting vibes.

Here's What you will need:

Red Mojo Bag
Citrine Crystal Point
Sea Salt
Annointing Oil
Suitable dish (or sea shell) to hold the salt

We offer a complete kit (excluding the dish) of all you need for this spell. To order or find out more, Click Here!

Here's What to do:
(click 'Read More' for full instructions)
Begin on the morning of the New Moon (Saturday April 3rd)

Create your sacred space as you usually would. Pour the salt out into the bowl or shell and hold it in both hands - take in a few deep cleansing breaths...

Feel the difference between your in-breath and your exhale...
Allow the in-breath to be nourishing and supportive.
Allow the out-breath to clear you and move out negative energy and destructive thoughts.

Now focus on something you wish to release, be strong and direct, say out loud to the salt:
"By all the powers of land and sea, precious white crystals remove _________________________ from me".
(you can say as many words as you need to in the blank)

Place a drop of the oil on the palm of your power hand (this is usually the hand you write with) and place your palm firmly on the sea salt, feel it pulling away that which you have stated you are ready to release.
Let out a long releasing breath.

Now have your citrine point on its pouch and think of something you wish to build – Courage, will power, physical strength, confidence, prosperity, a soulmate relationship…
Now put a drop of oil on your receiving palm (the opposite hand)

Focus on believing and connecting to your desire and hold your receiving hand firmly on the citrine point.
And say:
“By all the powers of Air and Fire,
Aries Moon bring me that which I desire”

Take in a deep nourishing breath and feel your connection to the Aries energy.  You can do this once or for as many days as you feel you need to, right up to the Full Moon.

Remember carry the pouch containing the citrine and, everytime you are aware of its presence, take a moment to focus upon it bringing your desire to you. You can always write down your desire and add that to the pouch.

You can continue to use the salt for protection or to absorb negative energy (we have our dish at the front door)

Brightest Blessings - Lisa~*

Come into the store to buy the spell kit and receive a free gift~*