Book of Shadows

Taurus New Moon

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A Spell To Open One to True Love

taurusnmspellkit.jpgThe Taurus New Moon occurs this year on Tuesday May 3rd at 2.51am (EDT).Taurus is ruled by Venus and appreciates love, loyalty and freedom from negativity. This New Moon spell we will be working with the energies of the Sun and Moon in Taurus as well as the power of love offered by Venus.
It occurs to me that more and more people are having a difficult time with relationships, and even thought they have worked thru things from the past they still have not truly healed some of the heavy energy that has set up housekeeping in their heart center. These past hurts can get in the way of new relationships, allowing us to mistrust or even fear really opening ourselves up to new love. And even worse some people are having a hard time loving themselves, thus blocking heart center from receiving love.
To perform this working, you will need the following:
Handcrafted Love-Drawing Salve,
Sodalite & Rose Quartz Crystals
3 Pink Mini-Taper Candles
Pink Rose Petals (not Red, as they are ruled by Mars)
And a Green Pouch
To make things just a little easier for you, we've assembled all that you need (Including complete instructions) into our Taurus New Moon Spell Kit costing just $15. To find out more or order yours, Click Here.
Click Read More for full instructions...
OK, so here we go… begin on the night before the New Moon
Set your sacred space as you usually would. Anoint the palms of your hands with some salve. Take some rose petals out and hold them in your hand.. look at them and feel the power of love building in them.
Place them down, (you can even arrange them if you want), and while you are doing this feel the energy of love filling your space.
With a pen, sharp pointed quartz crystal or even a tooth-pick, write something you wish to heal on one of the pink tapers... It can be brief as long as you understand what it means.
Wiping some salve on to taper with both hands from the center to the ends say
“Healing, Healing, Healing
The Power of love is real.”
Now Light the candle and say
“Healing Healing Healing
Let the power of Love Heal”

Now wipe some salve on the sodalite, hold it in your hands close to your heart center, watch the candle flame and focus on that which you want to heal, repeat the entire 4 line chant and feel the crystal's healing energy. When you are ready place the petals and the crystal in the pouch.

Now the night of the New Moon the energy has shifted to waxing.
Tonight you will work with another taper and the rose quartz crystal.
Again ready your sacred space. Anoint the palms of your hands with the love salve and pull out a few more petals, holding them and feeling the energy building. Now put them down and and dress the taper like yesterday...
But tonight say
Love is the law, Love conquers all, So Mote it be
Now anoint the Rose quartz and hold it to your heart and repeat this chant 2 more times. Place the Rose quartz and petals in the mojo .

Day 3 Weds. 5/4 – The moon is waxing and you should be able to see a small sliver in the sky – by now the moon has moved into Gemini, but you have made your mojo and created your magick during the Taurus energy, so tonight is about believing and receiving.
Set your sacred space. Anoint the last taper and say
Love is the law, Love conquers all So Mote it be
and light the taper.
Now rub a generous amount of the salve in to the palms of your hands
Take a deep breath of it and say.
“Love is the law, Love conquers all So Mote it be.”
Picking up the mojo and letting it absorb some of the salve, you can add even more to make sure it smells good... so the smell will remind you of all the energy you gathered into it.
Holding the mojo near your heart center and watching the candle flame
Feel positive loving energy surrounding you. See yourself in a loving, happy, positive joy-filled situation.
Believe that this energy can come to you and that you are blessed and open to receive it.
Smell the mojo and feel the energy of the crystals healing and bringing you the love that is just right for you.
Carry the mojo with you and use the power of scent to realign yourself with all this lovely energy when ever you feel like you need a hit ~*

Journey Well )0(