Book of Shadows

Cancer Full Moon Spell 2012

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cancernewmoonThe Cancer Full Moon occurs December 28th 2012 at 5:22AM EST. Cancer rules the home, family and represents the archetypal mothering energy. 

The Cancer New Moon is a perfect time to do a house cleansing and blessing. It is always best to cleanse away negativity or other unwanted energies so they don’t slow you down on your journey. So throw open the windows and doors and let’s get to clearing, keeping in mind your intention... to rid your home of stagnant negative energy.

Your Full Moon Kit includes:
- White Sage
- Sea Salt
- A Howalite Crystal
- A Black Pouch
- Hand ‘Crafted’ Magickally Charged Votive

- You will also need a bowl of water and a fireproof container for the smudge.

Click here to purchase a spell kit with all the ingredients.

On the night before or the day of would be the best time to do your working.

Start as always by setting your sacred space – Casting your circle.

Now Call to the Great Mother of your choice – Hold the cancer candle and feel her energies enhancing the Cancerian energies already in the candle.

Focus on clearing, cleansing, cleaning, organizing, nurturing, loving, and positive energy. Feel it being able to release and unstick negativity or oogies and replace it with joy, happiness and love. After all Cancerians love their homes.

Now take a few of the salt crystals and crush them and swirl them in o the water.   Say, “The powers of earth and water absorb all negativity”

Take out a leaf of sage and place it in your fireproof container

As you light it say,  “ The powers of air and fire transform unwanted energies into joy”

Now cleanse and transform all the sage and sea salt, (hold them in the smoke and lightly sprinkle with water) This way they are ready to do your housework.

Also clear the Howalite and it’s pouch. You may wish to put a leaf of sage and a salt crystal in the pouch with it, and you can ask the Great Mother to Bless your crystal as well to fill your home with joy happiness prosperity… you get the idea.

Now you are ready to end your circle and transform your home with the energy you brought to your kit.

Now go widdershins (counterclockwise) around your home cleansing and clearing. If you have a helper one can do water and earth bowl, and the other air and fire.  As you move from room to room, sprinkling or smudging say, “ By the power of the elements 4 negativity shall be no more “ Be conscious to see it dissolving, exiting or transforming.

Then when you have finished that banishing rounds, light your Blue Candle and walk deosil (clockwise) Feel positive, nurturing energy coming in.

Place the rest of the sea salt in a bowl for outside your door or just inside if that is not practical. Understanding that it will trap negative energy and dissolve it, before it can get into your nice clear house. The howalite can also be placed by your entrance or in a room that you feel needs the most energy.  It would be good for you to make a positive statement as you place it. For example “ I place this stone in the name of _____ to bring me ______.”

You can light your candle for an hour or so a day until the next full moon to keep the loving energy flowing in. Peace and Bright Blessings.