Book of Shadows

Aries Full Moon Spell

Hits: 4917


Ruling Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Sun Sign Polarity: Libra
Energies: Drive, Aggression, Pioneering Spirit, Quick To Act.
Tarot Card: The Sun
Colors: Red & Orange
Crystal: Red Calcite

The Aries Full Moon falls on October 18th at 7:37 pm.  Aries are known as the pioneers, they are the first sign of the zodiac, they are ruled by Mars which gives them drive.  For this spell we are going to be assertive and ask to manifest that which we desire.

We should be aware of how we ask and choose our words wisely.  Using words like "need" or "want" can create needs and wants.  Our words are extremely powerful - so keep this in mind when you are choosing what you wish to manifest.

We offer a complete kit of all you need for this magickal working.  Click here for more information.


For this spell you will need:

- Awareness Shop - Red votive

- Rose cones

- Red Calcite Crystal

- Bay Leaves - to write your intentions on

- Red Pouch

You will also need a sharpie marker or felt tipped pen

Set your sacred space as you usually would.  Light your incense and let the 
smell take over the room.  Take some relaxing breaths.  Light your candle and say:

"With this flame I light a fire inside me

And As within, so without" - feel the energy of the flame fill the room

"My desire, my passion will now be drawn out"

Red calcite increases energy and aids will power. Pick up your red calcite, hold it in your hand and visualize your desire.  Imagine that it is already happening and start to focus on how this makes you feel. 

Run your crystal through the smoke from the incense.  Continue to visualize your desire.  Hold your crystal in front of the candle flame and charge with the Aries energy.  Place the crystal in the red pouch and say:

"With this spell, my desire begins

The passion has started a fire within"

Speak your intention into the stone.

Take a leaf or two of the bay and with the marker write your intention on it.  Visualize your intention again. Take your time and really feel your spell working. 

Know that what you desire is in your reach.  Place the herbs in your red pouch and say:

"I achieve

What I believe

With harm to none

This spell be done."

Clear your space as your normally would.  Carry your mojo with you and keep
in mind that your work is already done, know the pieces will all fall where they should.  Blessed be!