Book of Shadows

Gemini Full Moon Spell

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geminifullmoon2011Gemini Moon: The Seekers Moon

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Sun sign polarity: Sagittarius

Energies: Communication, need for knowledge, learning and inspiration

Tarot Card: The Lovers

Colors: Blue, Indigo or White

Crystals: Blue Lace Agate or Celestite

Chakra: Throat or 3rd Eye

Herb or Aroma: Lavender or Thyme


Gemini is the zodiac sign known for it’s great communication skills. With this spell we are going to call on the aspects of Mercury to help us communicate and get our points across in a way that comes out effectively. This is especially useful during the Mercury Retrograde when communication get’s a little garbled. This year’s Gemini Full Moon falls on December 10th at 9:36 AM EST.


What you will need:

To begin, create your sacred space as you would normally. Light your Mercury candle and say:

“I call upon Hermes, God of Communication to join me in this rite,

as I ask for the help to commune this night.”


Light your jasmine (which is ruled by the Moon) incense and say:

“When I’m not so sure what to say

Help me communicate without dismay.”


Charge your crystals in the candle and incense’s energies while saying:

“Come to me, the gift of words

Help my intentions to be heard

I ask that I be understood

Just in the way that I should

No more confusion, misconception and doubt

Help me to get my real thoughts out

In a way that can’t be misconstrued

Help to give off the right mood…”


Drop your crystals in your mojo, tie the bag and say,

“Hermes, help me for as long as I need,

Communicate with ease and plant the right seeds…

So mote it be…”


You should thanks Hermes for joining you and maybe even leave a small offering for him. You can even burn more of the jasmine incense through the month if you are feeling really challenged, it will help call forth the energies you worked with tonight. Have faith, and make sure to think before we speak. Wink

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